Joy Miner Simply
Peerless in the Industry


    The JOY 14CM15-11AX continuous miner will soon will be mining coal in southern WV. The machine features several technological improvements designed to improve production and to reduce the cost per ton of the mined product.
    Joy has extended their successful 14CM15 950v product into the lower seam market by offering the model with a minimum cutting height of 32 inches (813 mm), making the Joy 14CM15-11AX continuous miner ideal for applications in the 42 to 55 inch (1067 to 1397 mm) cutting range. Available drum diameters range from 32 to 36 inches (813 to 914 mm).
    A novel cutting head concept utilizes an all spur gear drive train to transmit 400 horsepower (300 kW) to the face, while at the same time providing for improved maintenance with outboard flange-mounted motors and access to inboard seals. The cutting mechanism will be available with standard dust suppression sprays or as a "wet head".
    On the wet head, back-to-back carbon-face water seals promote long life and dry-running ability. With a water spray behind each cutting bit, suspended dust is wet at the point of creation, reducing respirable dust levels and increasing visibility. The machine is equipped with the Joy-engineered OPTIDRIVE traction system; field-proven and available on a variety of JOY products. OPTIDRIVE provides enhanced maneuverability and traction control. Increased traction power and speed capability (90 fpm) also are benefits of the new drive.
    These combined improvements, coupled with other time-tested 14CM components and features, makes the 14CM15AX a worthy addition to the JOY continuous miner product line. For more information contact Joy Mining Machinery at 724-779-4500 or visit


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